Sunday, 27 June 2010

Football's coming home

in economy class seats. And I think they'll be avoiding an open-top bus parade for fear of eggs....

Tiff got footballs strips for all three boys a couple of weeks back, as this Sunday was football-strip sunday at our church. I'll try and get a photo of them up, because they do all look awfully cute, albeit a bit sweaty (for that sort of money, I would have expected cotton, not polyester!). I got a packet of chocolate buttons in church for knowing why the song we did "Jabulani Africa" was doubly appropriate. Tiff says he knew, but I'm not convinced.

All my boys went back to church at 3pm to watch the game and I went to the gym. I have been a member of a local gym for about 3 years now, although from Oct-Apr I was on a maternity break and from Apr-now I was on a laziness break. So, today, I went and swam in the pool for about 20 minutes and it felt great to be moving without a pram or a sling or a small person to consider. I did feel a mild pang while I was swimming - last time was in the pool was two days before Dan was born and it was weird being there without a bump. (Well, I have a bump, but it's podge, not baby!)

I went onto church and met the boys and watched the second half. Jack seemed only mildly disappointed, Luke says he was supporting Germany anyway and Dan just wanted to chew someone's shoulder. He'll be nine months old on Thursday and has been on the outside for longer than he was on the inside.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Sports Day

It was Jack's Sports Day today and I went with Daniel in tow. I momentarily considered taking Luke out of preschool to join the fun, but realised I would probably quickly tire of chasing him all over. I think he had more fun at preschool, where they had induction visits for the new children. According to him, he had to tell them what to do, which was no doubt right up his street!

Jack came in third in his running race and got a sticker. The school invite you to bring a picnic and eat with your child - it was really nice to spend a bit of time one on one with Jack (sort of). Dan managed to spot someone else's sandwiches and rolled over several times in order to stick his hand in and try and get one. Fortunately, they were friends...!

Weighed in today, as I missed last week and I lost 2 of the 2.5lbs I put on following my birthday, so I'm back to 1stone off and back on track. :-)

I'd love to be able to add some photos of sports day, but the camera never made it out of my bag, so above are two photos from last summer, when Dan was just a bump and Tiff was there as well.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Here come the girls....

Monday was the 5th anniversary of my Dad's death, so I went out for lunch for Mum and my sister, A. I feel kind of bad to say that I had a lovely day, but I don't think even Dad would have wanted us to be weeping and wailing five years later. We looked at his entry in the book of rememberance and agreed again that that dove in the illustration looks more like a seagull, went for lunch, then went to the beach and threw roses in the water. It was really lovely to spend child-free time with Mum and A and we had a good giggle.

In other news...Dan's first tooth is definitely through and the one next to it is coming. He can now move to where he wants to go, rather than just randomly rolling ad wriggling all over the floor. I think this is partly responsible for two consecutive nights of dreadful sleep. Yawn!

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Half term

Oh, I LOVE school, really, I do. :-) No leaping out of bed, just us at our own pace.

Today we have been to the beach with Granny and nephews 1 & 2. The boys had a riot and ran round with a football, we took it in turns to jiggle Dan. It was lovely. Then this afternoon we went to a birthday party and I had the chance to catch up with some friends.

Dan has cut his first tooth today, the day after he turned eight months. Jack has not one, not two, but THREE wobbly teeth.

I had a lovely birthday week/weekend; so much so that I put on 2.5lbs at SW this week. Oh dear! Well, I enjoyed it all, so not complaining, just getting back on with it this week.

Tomorrow we are off to my sister's for the afternoon to let all five boys play while we catch up and to stay out of the way of the landscapers who are coming to do our patio (hurray).