Sunday, 15 August 2010

Menus, Wii and afternoon naps

I am hiding in the study, supposedly making a menu planner for this week, but in reality, surfing the net and thinking about tomorrow. The big boys are playing Wii with Daddy and Dan is having a nap after church.

Tomorrow, the plumber is coming to start fitting our new bathroom and I am SO EXCITED. It is shamefully shallow of me, of course, but we have been here since Feb 09, without a shower and sitting in the bath has lost what little charm it had to start with. However, it means an early start tomorrow, so as to be dressed and decent when he gets here - oh well, a small price to pay. :-)

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Summer, summer sun shines bright

Except when it's tiddling down with rain! Yesterday's rain was of epic, biblical proportions. The water butt is now full and I can almost hear the apple trees sighing with relief.

Rain however is not much fun when it's the school hols. I can't take them swimming because of numbers, I can't face the cinema with all three of them, ditto soft play. Even walking in the woods seems like a lot of effort, especially as the car boot is stuck shut, which makes taking a pram anywhere a bit of an effort.

Still, we've had two weeks of holiday-away, so a quiet week this week won't have done them that much harm and next week looks a bit busier - we may even make it to the beach hut with Granny, if the rain, rain go(es) away!