Wednesday, 14 September 2011

A change of plan

I went to Addenbrookes today, to see the allergy clinic about being desensitised to aspirin. I had a huge allergic reaction to a Beechams' Powder in December 2009, which ended up with me in the resus of our local A&E, being injected with steriods, antihistimine and adrenalin (and being sick into the oxygen mask, but let's not dwell). I have Samter's Triad, which consists of asthma, aspirin allergy and nasal polyps. The nasal polyps have the biggest impact on my day to day life and I have had two operations to remove them (2004 & 2008) and was booked for another one later this month.

I didn't know this before I went, but due to the cross-over between ENT and allergies, the two departments run a joint clinic, which I have now been referred to. I have a clanking bag of drugs to take, plus a scary looking nasal rinse and I might qualify for a drug trial they're starting in a couple of months. We have agreed to transfer my ENT care to Addenbrookes and so my eventual polyp op will be done there, as well as the desensitisation.

One cheering thing was that my lung function was 130% of what would be expected for someone of my age and height. :-) I also had skin prick tests for common allergens and didn't react to anyone of them, not even the house dust mite, which I have tested positive for in the past. When I told Tiff this, he said "You must have desensitised yourself to it"....cheeky!

Monday, 12 September 2011

Birthday boys

Tiff's birthday being over, we are now in the run up to Dan's....and then Luke's....and then Jack's, on Bonfire Night. Here are my 'andsomes, on Tiff's birthday.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Happy Birthday, Tiff

The SSOH is 39 today, just one year left in his thirties. I have, er, loads more than that. He's at work, as ever, but hopes to be home in time to see the boys before bed time. I asked him if he wanted a special birthday tea and he requested a takeaway from Pizza Hut. :-)

Anyway, in honour of the day, here he is, doing what he does best (I'll leave you to decide exactly what I mean by that).

Wednesday, 7 September 2011


I am taking part in a FB challenge called Skirtember, which is pretty self explanatory, to wear a skirt or dress every day in September. I have heard of Frocktober and Dressember, but this is the first time I have wanted to play. Why? Well, it stops me wearing the same exhausted pair of denim cropped trousers every day. It's making me re evaluate my wardrobe. And it's making me laugh for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I'm tracking the change from summer to autumn in the outfits I wear each day, because I take a photo and post it to the FB group. Secondly, I cannot take a self portrait to save my life. I tried cleaning the mirror today, but it didn't help. See here

Summer (Sept 4th)

and autumn (today)

An interesting way of thinking about what you wear and why. :-)