Wednesday, 22 January 2014

New Year & A New Thing

Quite a lot has happened since I last blogged.  This is somewhat inevitable when you only blog once in a blue moon.

Jack is 10.  He got a new guitar for his birthday and has ambitions.  He and Tiff have a fortnightly lesson, first Jack, then Tiff.  Jack really likes the teacher, they have clicked and he is making good progress.

My work has changed.  After a restructure (and sadly redundancies) at the end of last year, I am now working 24 hours a week.  My official job title is Church Administrator & PA to t'vicar .  We are all learning new ways of working together and it is...busy!

Weirdly, given that we have two guitarists and a drummer in the family, our house is feeling a bit quiet and empty.  From July of last year we had the church worship development consultant living with us for six months and he left this week, at the end of his contract.  The boys are mopey and I am very glad for lots of work to keep myself busy.  Jack, Luke & I were reading from a children's devotional based around The Hobbit tonight (the things you find at New Wine), about great adventures and how having Matt with us was a great adventure.  And then we wondered, what adventure is next? 

Wishing you - and ourselves - a very adventurous 2014.  :)