Jack is our PFB (precious first born) and is 6.5 yrs old. He was a total textbook baby - if the book said that your baby might roll over from 12 months onwards, that's what Jack would do. He was (and still is, mostly) very cheerful and easy going. Jack is in his second year of school and loves to read.
Jack is quite a serious sort of chap, but comes out with some great lines. The other night we were eating dinner together, which was fish and talking about how Jesus had fishermen as his disciples. We were talking about the calling of the disciples and I said to Jack "So Jesus said, come with me and I will make you...." There was a small silence and Jack said "something to eat?". Okaaaay. On the other hand he recently told me that God talked to Moses through a burning bush (yep) and told him to go home. I had to pull my Bible out to double-check that was right - bible lessons from my six year old!
Jack has just been away this weekend on his very first Beavers camp. Tiff went with him and I'm still not sure which of them had the best time. It was quite strange being home alone with the "littlies" and I wasn't at all thinking about the day to come, when all four of them will be off and I will get some peace and quiet. :-)
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